From our executive director: Accomplishing big feats, thanks to major partnerships

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As we describe in our new 25th Anniversary Edition Annual Report, the East Coast Greenway Alliance's effectiveness comes from myriad collaborative partnerships on the local, state, and national level. And we've never tried to accomplish a program bigger than the 3,000-mile East Coast River Relay this August to October. So it's no surprise that we have attracted the partnership of more than 80 peer organizations so far to put on the series of events connecting the 50 rivers from Calais, Maine, to Key West, Florida.

We hope you can join us for any of the fun walks, river clean-ups, musical celebrations, educational talks, group bike rides, and a 5k. Thank you to every organization helping us celebrate our 25th anniversary with this ambitious 68-day, 60+ event, muscle-powered caravan. And a special thanks to our visionary lead supporters who are making it possible: the William Penn Foundation and REI Co-op! We just launched the initial River Relay events calendar. Take a look and invite your friends and family to join us where possible.

Together, we can deepen the connection between our communities and the Greenway and enjoy all the lovely nature along the route, from the moose and loon to the manatee and heron. See you on the Relay!


Dennis Markatos-Soriano Executive Director  

Join the Greenway!

Your support helps to develop this ambitious, 3,000-mile route, Canada to Key West. Your membership gift builds more protected miles that we can all enjoy, today and for generations to come.