March photo contest winner: Barbara Preston, Millstone Aqueduct & Footbridge, Princeton, NJ

barbara preston princeton nj
Barbara Preston's photo of the footbridge over Lake Carnegie on the Greenway's Delaware & Raritan Canal Towpath in Princeton, NJ won our photo contest for March 2017.


Barbara Preston lives across the street from the old Delaware and Raritan Canal section of the East Coast Greenway near Princeton, NJ. She walks the Greenway every day with Rory, her Australian Shepherd. She often brings her camera along to capture birds, other wildlife, and the changing skies.

“It seems I discover something new on each walk,” she says. She shot this month's winning photo of the Millstone Aqueduct & Footbridge in Princeton during a particularly reflective moment. “This bridge is usually populated with fisherman,” Preston says. “The canal and neighboring Lake Carnegie have plenty of fish species, including pickerel, largemouth bass, muskies, walleye, channel catfish, and giant grass carp. Mostly, the bridge gives a beautiful view of the lake, and often one can watch the Princeton University crew rowing along.”

Preston works as a self-employed writer, marketer, and project manager. You can see more of her photography on her website, “One of my goals is to walk the East Coast Greenway from Maine to Florida,” Preston notes. “So far I haven't found anybody to do it with me, but I will someday.”  

Have a great photo from a stretch of the East Coast Greenway, with or without people enjoying it? Enter our photo contest — we're choosing a winner each month.   

barbara preston headshot
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